Check your eligibility for an Older Person's Pass (OPTIONAL)

Apply Online

Step 1 of 7

Please note that the online application process currently only works with Windows computers – you cannot currently use mobile devices including iPhones and iPads. We are working to correct this.
Tell us who you are:
Please enter your National Insurance number:
Enter your contact details:
The email address you use must be your own. You must not use a shared email address. This is because the email address will be linked to this bus pass and will be used as your login name so you can manage your bus pass online in the future.

A dummy email account will be set up for you allowing you to login to this portal. You will not be able to use this email account to send or receive email.

Contacting you:

Setup a web account:
The password should conform to the following rules:
  • It must be at least 8 characters in length
  • It must contain at least one alphabetic character
  • It must contain at least one numeric character
  • It must contain at least one 'special character'